Message from Our Managing Director

Managing Director



It gives me great pride to have founded KBMC. It’s always been a dream to get in to the core of AI and Robotics. Today, I can proudly say that we have made our mark in to this fascinating phase of Technology. KBMC is the Robotics and Automation, Energy, Plant, Iot, Automobile, Textile company in the Bangladesh.

We realize that it’s just the beginning and we have much, much more to learn and achieve.

We are thankful to our partners, who have entrusted us with ambitious projects and we look forward to more challenges every day. We are privileged to work with Government Agencies and build the Autonomous framework together.

Our endeavor has been to look in to the minds and needs of our users. We look at Robotics and Automation as a part of our daily lives and no more a novelty! It’s our way of contributing to society and creating a better tomorrow.

Thank You